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Intuitive eating sessions will empower you to feel like the master of your body (because you are!). Through 1:1 virtual sessions, we will work through the rules and fears that you hold around food. 


Knowing what to eat has become incredibly confusing. There are differing views about what is and isn't acceptable for health. The Intuitive Eating framework will equip you with the tools to get back in touch with your innate wisdom!


These sessions are for you if:

  • You are tired of trying to keep up with whatever food is trending this week!

  • You feel disheartened around food. Meal-time has become a stressful time and you don't feel excited by food.

  • You feel guilty for eating any "bad" or "unhealthy" foods.

  • You have no idea which foods truly light you up or make you feel your best!

  • You feel uncomfortable in your body and idealise a younger version of yourself.

  • You want to feel "in-control" around food.

  • You want to develop a respectful and loving relationship with your body (after all, it is the longest relationship you'll ever be in!)


Working together, we will unpack why dieting hasn't worked, and instead curate a more joyful and fulfilling life without all of the rules and restriction! You will learn to understand your unique body and what it needs to thrive. You will become attuned to your bodily cues, so that you can understand how to truly honour your nutritional and satisfaction needs.​ We will also unpack why your body image has such a strong correlation with your relationship with food, and we will cover both of these areas in great detail.

Image by Lily Banse


This service is right for you if you feel that you would benefit from unlimited support. This is not an easy journey. It's likely you've spent most of your adult life dieting or feeling fearful around food. That is why it will take some time to unlearn all of the rules that have been ingrained into you.


This package offers you 24/7 support for 3 months! You can ask me anything so that you never feel alone on this journey. It can feel really isolating if you're surrounded by people who are still dieting. Or maybe you just feel incredibly unsure about what you had for dinner, or maybe you are having a bad body image day. In these instances, take out your phone, and send me a message! I want you to feel supported and know that you will NEVER be alone throughout this process.


You'll get:

  • 12 x weekly follow-up sessions (30 minutes each)*

  • Detailed emails recapping session and providing further information

  • Recorded sessions (if requested)

  • Unlimited email and text/voice message support in between sessions

  • Accountability checks suited to your individual request

  • Worksheets and activities

  • Journal prompts

  • Research articles

  • Receive as many or few resources as you like! This is completely catered to YOU!


Cost: $720 (Afterpay available)


While I absolutely understand that this cost can seem like an intimidating sum of money, please take a moment to imagine your life as somebody who feels confident and in control around food. Imagine yourself feeling completely supported for the next 3 months. When those negative or shameful thoughts pop in to your head, you can take out your phone and let me know exactly what's going on in your mind. Think about how much relief you feel when offloading heavy thoughts and information to someone close to you. I am somebody who personally endured YEARS of stress and discomfort around food and body, and I want you to understand that I can certainly relate and that I have so much compassion for anything you're feeling.


If you feel that the above cost is simply not within your budget but you feel you'd benefit from this high level support, then please don't hesitate to send me an email and we can discuss a "Pay what you can" arrangement. I feel strongly that help should not only be available for those holding financial privilege - we ALL deserve support. 


*Please note: This package is available after initial session. We will take a deep dive in the initial session and then you can make an informed decision about what level of care would suit you best.

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